What is the difference between Flow, StateFlow and SharedFlow?
Flow is a cold asynchronous stream of values that can be collected by a collector. Flow is similar to the concept of an Iterator in synchronous programming.
Cold Stream: which means that it will start emitting values only when a collector starts collecting them. Once a collector stops collecting, the flow stops emitting values.
fun intFlow(): Flow<Int> = flow { for (i in 1..5) { emit(i) } } fun main() { intFlow().collect { println(it) } }
A special kind of flow in Kotlin Coroutines that represents a state that can be observed and updated by multiple collectors.
Hot Stream: which means that it will start emitting values as soon as it is created and it will continue to emit new values even when there are no collectors.
val count = StateFlow(0) fun main() = runBlocking { launch { count.collect { value -> println("Count value: $value") } } for (i in 1..5) { count.value = i } }
Allows multiple collectors to share a single source of values, similar to a broadcast channel.
Hot Stream: which means that it will start emitting values as soon as it is created and it will continue to emit new values even when there are no collectors.
val sharedFlow = SharedFlow<Int>(extraBufferCapacity = 100) fun main() = runBlocking { launch { sharedFlow .buffer() .collect { value -> println("Collected value: $value") } } for (i in 1..5) { sharedFlow.emit(i) } }