Overview on software design patterns and a closer look at the Creational pattern
Design patterns are solutions to common problems that arise in software development. They are reusable and adaptable templates for designing software systems. The goal of design patterns is to improve the overall quality of the code and to make the development process more efficient and easier to maintain.
There are three main types of design patterns:
In this article we will focus on Creational Design Patterns and will discuss the other two in future articles.
Samples in this articles are in Kotlin. However, design patterns concepts can be applied to any other programming language or framework.
Creational design patterns are a category of design patterns that deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation. The main aim of these patterns is to provide a flexible way of creating objects while hiding the creation logic from the client code.
Here are a few examples of creational design patterns:
Each of these patterns has its own strengths and weaknesses and should be used depending on the specific requirements of the project. However, by understanding the creational design patterns, developers can choose the most suitable approach for creating objects, resulting in a more flexible and maintainable code.
The Singleton pattern is a creational design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance while providing a global point of access to this instance. This pattern is useful in cases where a single instance of a class must coordinate actions across the system.
The main idea behind the Singleton pattern is to have a private constructor and a static instance variable. The instance variable is initialized when the class is loaded, and a static method is provided to return the instance. This method creates the instance if it has not already been created and returns it, ensuring that there is only one instance of the class.
Here's an example of the Singleton pattern in Kotlin:
class Singleton private constructor() { private var data: Int = 0 companion object { private var instance: Singleton? = null fun getInstance(): Singleton { if (instance == null) { instance = Singleton() } return instance!! } } }
In this example, the Singleton class has a private constructor and a companion object. The companion object provides a static method getInstance that creates an instance of the Singleton class if it has not already been created, and returns it. The instance variable instance is declared as nullable and is initialized to null. The !! operator is used to safely access the value of instance, ensuring that it will never be null in the getInstance method.
Note: In Kotlin, you can create a singleton class simply by declaring your class as object.
The Singleton pattern is a simple and effective way to ensure that there is only one instance of a class in the system. However, it's important to be mindful of its limitations and the potential for misuse, as it can lead to tight coupling between components and make testing and maintenance more difficult.
The Singleton pattern has a few disadvantages, which include:
In conclusion, the Singleton pattern should be used with caution, as it has a number of disadvantages that can negatively impact the maintainability and scalability of a system. It is important to consider alternative design patterns, such as Dependency Injection or Service Locator, which can provide a more flexible and maintainable solution in certain situations.
The Factory Method pattern is a creational design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. The main idea behind this pattern is to delegate the responsibility of object creation to its subclasses.
The Factory Method pattern consists of a factory interface that defines a method for creating objects, and concrete factory classes that implement the factory method and return an instance of the product. The client code uses the factory interface to create objects, without having to know the specific class of the product that will be returned.
Here's an example of the Factory Method pattern in Kotlin:
interface Animal { fun speak() } class Dog: Animal { override fun speak() { println("Bark") } } class Cat: Animal { override fun speak() { println("Meow") } } interface AnimalFactory { fun createAnimal(): Animal } class DogFactory: AnimalFactory { override fun createAnimal(): Animal { return Dog() } } class CatFactory: AnimalFactory { override fun createAnimal(): Animal { return Cat() } }
In this example, the Animal interface defines the methods that all animal objects must implement, and the Dog and Cat classes are concrete implementations of this interface. The AnimalFactory interface defines a method for creating animal objects, and the DogFactory and CatFactory classes are concrete implementations of this interface that return instances of Dog and Cat, respectively. The client code uses the AnimalFactory interface to create animal objects, without having to know the specific class of the animal that will be returned.
The Factory Method pattern provides a flexible way of creating objects, as it allows for the creation of objects to be delegated to its subclasses. This can make the code more maintainable and testable, as changes to the creation logic can be made in the factory classes without affecting the client code.
The Factory Method pattern has a few disadvantages, which include:
The Builder pattern is a creational design pattern that allows for the creation of complex objects in a step-by-step manner, through the use of a builder object. The main idea behind this pattern is to separate the construction of a complex object from its representation, so that the same construction process can create different representations.
The Builder pattern consists of a builder interface that defines the methods for building the object, a concrete builder class that implements the builder interface and creates the object, a director class that oversees the construction process, and a product class that represents the final object.
Here's an example of the Builder pattern in Kotlin:
class Product { private val parts = mutableListOf<String>() fun add(part: String) { parts.add(part) } override fun toString(): String { return parts.joinToString(", ") } } interface Builder { fun buildPartA() fun buildPartB() fun buildPartC() fun getResult(): Product } class ConcreteBuilder: Builder { private val product = Product() override fun buildPartA() { product.add("Part A") } override fun buildPartB() { product.add("Part B") } override fun buildPartC() { product.add("Part C") } override fun getResult(): Product { return product } } class Director { private lateinit var builder: Builder fun setBuilder(builder: Builder) { this.builder = builder } fun buildMinimalProduct() { builder.buildPartA() } fun buildFullProduct() { builder.buildPartA() builder.buildPartB() builder.buildPartC() } }
In this example, the Product class represents the final object, and it contains a list of parts. The Builder interface defines the methods for building the object, and the ConcreteBuilder class is a concrete implementation of this interface that creates an instance of the Product class and adds parts to it. The Director class oversees the construction process, and it uses the Builder interface to build the object.
The Builder pattern allows for the creation of complex objects in a step-by-step manner, through the use of a builder object. This can make the code more maintainable and readable, as the construction logic is separated from the representation of the object.
The Builder pattern has a few disadvantages:
The Prototype pattern is a creational design pattern that allows for the creation of new objects by cloning existing objects, instead of creating new objects from scratch. The main idea behind this pattern is to avoid the overhead of creating new objects and to reuse existing objects whenever possible.
The Prototype pattern consists of a prototype interface that defines a cloning method, concrete prototypes that implement the prototype interface, and a client class that uses the prototypes to create new objects.
Here's an example of the Prototype pattern in Kotlin:
interface Prototype { fun clone(): Prototype } class ConcretePrototypeA(val value: String) : Prototype { override fun clone(): Prototype { return ConcretePrototypeA(value) } } class ConcretePrototypeB(val value: Int) : Prototype { override fun clone(): Prototype { return ConcretePrototypeB(value) } } class Client { private val prototypes = HashMap<String, Prototype>() fun addPrototype(name: String, prototype: Prototype) { prototypes[name] = prototype } fun createObject(name: String): Prototype { val prototype = prototypes[name] return prototype?.clone() ?: throw Exception("Prototype with name $name not found") } }
In this example, the Prototype interface defines a cloning method, and the ConcretePrototypeA and ConcretePrototypeB classes are concrete implementations of this interface. The Client class uses the prototypes to create new objects, and it stores a collection of prototypes in a hash map, where the key is the name of the prototype and the value is the prototype object itself.
The Prototype pattern can be useful for creating new objects from existing objects, as it avoids the overhead of creating new objects from scratch. However, it can also make the code more difficult to maintain, as changes made to the prototypes will affect all instances of the prototypes.
The Prototype pattern has a few disadvantages:
It's important to note that design patterns are not a one-size-fits-all solution and they should be used judiciously. Each pattern has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to the developer to choose the right pattern for the right situation. The use of design patterns can make the development process faster and easier, but only if they are used correctly.
Next Part ==> Design Patterns - [2] Structural